Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hepi Eid...

Long silence.Sometimes we have to accept that we are incapable to do everything in this life.Allah created us with limitations.None is perfect except Him.

Being a 'transformer'.It is not easy to change to a new person with new environment.That news even though it comes like a thunder,IMAN acts as a guard,protecting emotions to keep in appropriate manner.

I do love orthopaedic very much, yet Allah wants to grant me more than that.Being as surgical medical officer in HKK has sharpened up my knowledge and skills.Supervised under a good, dedicated surgeon is a great chance.I do really appreciate the knowledge Allah has given to me throughout my attachment here.Until now...I do not know when I can turn back to my beloved orthopaedic posting.He knows.

I'm applying master in orthopaedic.Hopefully the path is smooth.

Altogether fasting 6 syawal.
